I think Collierville's Historic Town Square, which is just east from Memphis, is a perfect place for night photography and a group photo walk. I really enjoy the town square for night photography because it has a huge variety of subjects, from small family-owned stores to an old gas station and even a historic locomotive and train cars. Collierville's town square is relatively small, which is why it's also great for group night photo walks. Night photo walks are particularly challenging for an organizer because setting up tripods, cameras and nailing shots always varies between the participants and therefore it's difficult to keep a group together. Collierville's Historic Town Square is great for night photo walks because even if someone stays behind, he/she can easily catch up with a group because, well you're at the square :).
An old locomotive at night at Collierville Historic Train Depot (Collierville Historic Town Square)
For these reasons, I chose Collierville's Historic Town Square and I organized there a night photo walk last week through the Memphis Digital Photography Group meetup. Around 1o persons showed up, which was a perfect number or participants because less experienced participants felt comfortable to ask questions. I'm also pleased with feedback I received after the photo walk - everyone wants more night photo walks :)
McGinnis Services Station at night - Collierville Historic Town Square