I don't think I'll ever forget that day. It was Sunday, June 8 2014 at about 5pm. I decided it was about time to water the flowers in our backyard so I stepped outside and I saw him. It goes without saying he scared me so much that I wanted to grab a patio chair and throw it at him. I didn't, which was a good thing. He just stood motionless with his little brown suitcase in front of me.
It turned out his name is Thabo and he is a very friendly teddy bear. Thabo travelled around the world all by himself. We don't know yet how long he travelled but he started to feel really lonely so he was looking for a friendly person to stay with and to experience new adventures.
Thabo watching Apple's Keynote
We don't know much about Thabo yet. We know he is a bit of a geek (he really enjoyed watching Apple Keynote). He's also a very good listener. Oh, and we know that his name means 'joy' in the Tswana language.
So everyone, meet Thabo - an adventurous and a joyful teddy bear. We will update you on his adventures.